

Knowing the history of words, we know the history of  humanity. Language is the main human characteristic that  separates men from animals. Scientists acknowledge that man is  programmed to develop speech/language.  

 The physical environment where people live plays a major  role in the development of their language. The influence of the  clear blue Greek sky, the glaring sunlight, the variety of the  physical environment (mountains, meadows, ravines and canyons,  rivers, seas, beaches and coasts, and the moderate climate, all  shaped the gentle, flexible, polymorphous, melodic, full of vowels  and variety of expression Greek language.  

 The ancient Greek language was lively, good sounding,  polytonal to the point that often sounded musical, able to mimic all  kinds of sounds, something that does not happen with other  languages. The Arabs, for example, do not have the sound “p”, the  Chinese do not have “r” and the Russians do not have “th.”  

 The Mediterranean Languages, and specifically the Greek,  are considered as “triumph of vowels”. As we travel north,  however, the pronunciation in other languages changes. It  becomes heavier, harder. The environment there is not friendly,  cheerful and joyful. One needs to struggle to tame it, in order to  survive. The vowels decline, and while some sounds descent to  the larynx, others ascent to the nasal cavity. They become hard to  the ears. In such cold environments, where loosing even the  smallest amount of heat is crucial, it is necessary to open the  mouth as less as possible. So, in the northern languages, there are 

fewer vowels and more consonants. These are called “the  languages of the closed mouth.”  

Let’s take one Greek word, for example:  

ελεη∝οσυνη ελεη∝οσυνη λεη∝οσυνη  

Let’s see how it progressively changed.  

The Latin borrowed this word –just like they borrowed most of  their vocabulary from the Greeks- and they pronounced it:  Alemosina  

As the word traveled north, it changed ever more:  

ITALIAN - elemosina 

SPANISH - limosna 

FRENCH - aumone 

GERMAN - almocen 

ENGLISH – alms 

As we see, the vowels are thrown out. This results to a Greek  word that has become unpleasantly unrecognizable.  

 A language, besides genealogy and history, reveals the  idiosyncrasy (temperament), good taste, and the soul of the people  who speak it.  

 It is well known now that the Greek language is the oldest  language of those spoken in Europe.  

From prehistoric times, Greeks who spoke Greek gave names to  seas, cities and places that are still used today.  

 It has been calculated that Greeks today use in their every  day Greek language 2.500 Homeric words. While many of those  words are used in other languages in a recognizable form, some are  not recognizable at all. 

 For example, the English word coward, comes from the  Greek word κοθουρος and means exactly the same as “coward”.    

 The English word after comes from the Greek word  αυταρ=right after.  

The English word kiss also comes from the Greek word  κυνω, κυσω= προσκυνω την εικονα , κυσω σε την χειρα   (I kiss the icon, or I kiss your hand).  

 The Greek word has given, and continues to give, the  material for the transformation of the international scientific  vocabulary. Medicine, Athletics, Physics, Astronomy, Geography,  Philosophy, Chemistry, Geometry, Geology, Politics, Democracy,  Theology, Linguistics, all the Arts and Sciences were born,  developed and are operating with a vocabulary clearly Greek.  Everyone by now agrees that the Greek language contains words of  higher thoughts, and verbally dresses abstract ideas. In a few  words: Greek is the Language of civilization! 

 Furthermore, it is not just our Greek words and roots,  prefixes and suffixes that enriched the Latin language and thought  it the other western languages, but also our Mythology.  

“…The Classical Greek language is one of the most important  sources that influenced our every day language… When you refer  to the alphabet, you pronounce exactly the first two Greek letters,  

Alpha and Beta… When you talk about arithmetic, You almost say the Greek word arithmos… 


 The New Webster Dictionary of the English Language   Edition GROULIER, N. York 



Academy…………………………………. Ακαδη∝ια  Acanthus…………………………………….ακανθος  Accord (to be in agreement or harmony…….χορδη  Acoustics…………………………………….ακουστικη  Agony (great pain in the body or mind)……..αγωνια  Agoraphobia (fear of public places)………….αγοραφοβια  Air……………………………………………αηρ  Alabaster (a smooth white stone)……………αλαβαστρος  Allegory……………………………………..αλληγορια  Allergy………………………………………αλλεργια  Amnesia……………………………………..α∝νησια  Amphitheater………………………………...α∝φιθεατρον  Analogy……………………………………..αναλογια  Analyze……………………………………...αναλυσις  Anarchy……………………………………..αναρχια  Anecdote……………………………………ανεκδοτο  Anemone……………………………………ανε∝ωνη  Angel………………………………………..αγγελος  Anonymous…………………………………ανωνυ∝ος  

“…Our alphabet {English} came from Greece. Our language is  full of Greek words. Our science created an international language  through Greek terms. Our Grammar and our oratory, even the  punctuation and the division in paragraphs are Greek discoveries.   W. Durant    

Baptism……………………………………...βαπτισ∝α  Bibliography………………………………...βιβλιο−γραφια  Blame, blaspheme…………………………..βλασφη∝ω  Bowl , Ball …………………………………..βωλος/βολος  Botanic………………………………………βοτανικη 

Bulimia……………………………………...βουλι∝ια  Bulb…………………………………………βολβος  Catholic……………………………………..καθολικος  Caustic………………………………………καυστικος  Center, Central………………………………κεντρον  Sarcophagus…………………………………σαρκοφαγος  Chaos………………………………………..χαος  Chlorophyll………………………….χλωρος, χλωροφυλλη  Chromatic…………………………………..χρω∝α  Comic………………………………………κω∝ικος  Comet………………………………………κο∝ητης  Cosmic……………………………………...κοσ∝ικος  Crisis………………………………………..κρισις  Critique……………………………………...κριτικος  Cube…………………………………………κυβος  Cycle………………………………………...κυκλος  

“The Greeks understood the mysterious power of the hidden  side of things. They gave us one of the most beautiful words of  our language, the word Enthusiasm (Ενθουσιασ∝ος), from the  Greek words ενας θεος ∝εσα ∝ας, (a god inside us)…”  

 Arthur Kisler  

Dolphin………………………………………δελφινι  December……………………………………∆εκε∝βριος  Demon……………………………………….δαι∝ων  Democracy…………………………………..∆η∝οκρατια  Dermatology………………………………...δερ∝ατολογια  Disk………………………………………….δισκος  Dollar………………………………………..ταλαρος   διδω=I giveDonor……………………………………….δοτηρ=donor 

Double………………………………………διπλους  Dragon………………………………………δρακων  Echo…………………………………………ηχω  

School……………………………………….σχολη  Economy…………………………………….oικονο∝ια  Ecology………………………………………οικολογια  Egoism………………………………………εγω/εγωισ∝ος  Elastic……………………………………….ελαστικος  Electric………………………………………ηλεκτρικος  Emphasis…………………………………….ε∝φασις  Enigma……………………………………….αινιγ∝α  

“Any other language is nothing else but a hypo dialect  of the Greek language.”  


 English Latin Greek 

Famed/fame…………….…………….φη∝η, φη∝ισ∝ενος  Infamous/infamy………………......αν(ευ)=without+φη∝η  Fantasy………………………………...φαντασια  Phantom………………………………..φαντασ∝α  Fault(y)/fake………….fallo…...σφαλλω=I make a mistake  Female/feminine………feo……………...φυω  Fire/focus/fusil………………………φως, πυρ,φυρ  Fierce……………………………….φηρ,θηρ,θηριο=wild  Fig…………………….ficus………..…..συκον  Flower…………………………………φλοος=λουλουδι  Flora/floral/florist  

To float/fleet……………fluo……….…..φλυω=πλεω 

Fort/force………….fortis=strong..…φορτιον=heavy load  Effort  

Frenzy/frantic…………………………φρενιτις  I fry/frying……………………….φρυγω/φρυγανια=toast  Frigid/refrigerator/frost…………..φριγος=cold  

“Alexander, after choosing three thousand Persian  youths, gave the order the Greek language to be taught.”   Plutarch  

English Latin Greek 

Gaiety=cheerfulness…………………….γαιω=I am happy  Galactic……………………………..……γαλα  Galaxy……………………………………γαλαξιας  Gargle…………………………………….γαργαρα  Gastric=has to do with the stomach………γαστρικος  Gastritis  

Gastronomy=the art of good eating………γαστρονο∝ια  Giant………………………………………γιγας(γιγαντας)  Genealogy=family tree/study of families….γενεαλογια  Gender…………………………………….. γενος  Genesis=beginning, origin……………….γενεσις, γενηση  Genetic  

 Γη=Earth  Geocentric………………………………..γεωκεντρικος  Geography=the study of the earth………..γεωγραφια  Geology…………………………………...γεωλογια  Geometry………………………………….γεω∝ετρια 

Gloss/glossary…………………………….γλωσσα  Glue/gluten……………………γλοιος=sticky substance  Glucose=a kind of sugar………………γλυκο=sweet  Govern=to rule/………..guberno……….κυβερνω  Government……………………………..κυβερνηση  Governor………………………………...κυβερνητης  Grammar…………………………………γρα∝∝ατικη  Gram……………………………………..γρα∝∝αριον  Graphic…………………………………..γραφη=writing  Grass……………………………………..γρασιδι  Gymnasium………………………………γυ∝νασιον  Gymnast………………………………….γυ∝ναστης  Gymnastics……………………………….γυ∝ναστικη  


 Plato (Kratylos 398) says that “the name ηρως states a birth  out of love…don’t you know that the heroes are demigods? All of  them came to being when gods loved mortals.”  


 The word “hero” exists in all languages and comes from the Greek  word ηρωας. No other language has the equivalent. Heroism is  internationally stated in Greek. Originally, the word ηρωας was a  kind of a title, like “ser”=κυριος. 

 The German word for “ser” is HERR from the word “hero”.  The Russians pronounce the same word gerroi, and the Japanese,  hirosi.  

 The word ηρωας traveled long, long ago to Polynisia as well:   In the Maori Dialect, “whiro” means the god of traveling.   In the Hawaiian Dialect, “hilo” is the name for navigator.   In the Tuamotus Dialect, “hiro” is the god of education.   In the Rarotonga Dialect, “iro” means famous ancestor. 

 In the Taitian Dialect, “hiro” is the god of thieves.   In the Mangain Dialect, “iro” is the protector of thieves.   (The Greek god Hermes was also protector of thieves.)    

It is evident that within all these meanings, the indigenous people  keep memories from ancient times, of far away visitors, by whom  they were impressed and never forgot them.  

English Greek  

Harmony/harmonious…………………….……αρ∝ονια  Harmonica/philharmonic  

Harpoon=a spear to catch whales……………...αρπαγη  Hemisphere=half globe………………………η∝ι(συ)=half  Herculean=strong, brave like Hercules……….Ηρακλης  Hour…………………………………………...ωρα  Horoscope……………………………………..ωροσκοπιο  Hexagon………………………………………..εξαγωνο  Heptagon……………………………………….επταγωνο  Chasm=deep crack in the earth…………………χασ∝α  Hierarchy=rank…………………………………ιεραρχια  Hieroglyphic…………….………………… ιερογλυφικος  Hilarious………………………………………..ιλαρος  Hippocampus………………………………..ιπποκα∝πος  Hippodrome=horse race track………………ιπποδρο∝ος  Hippopotamus……………………………….ιπποποτα∝ος  History, story…..………………………….….ιστορια  Historian/historic/historiography/prehistory  

Holocaust=great destruction of life by fire….ολοκαυτω∝α  Home…………………………………………κω∝η=σπιτι  Horizon…………………………………………οριζων 

Horizontal…………………………………….οριζοντια  Oil……………………(Latin: olium)………..ελαιον=λαδι  Eight…………(German: acht)…(Latin:octo)..…οκτω  Oyster……………….…………………….οστρεον=shell  Humble……………………………χα∝ηλος= small, low  Humiliation/humiliate  

Hybrid…….………………………………..υβριδιον  Hydrate/hydraulic…………………..υδωρ/υδρο...=water  Hydra………………………………………υδρα  

 Hydra is a tiny water animal. Any part of it that is cut off will grow   to a whole new animal. In Greek myths, the Hydra was a serpent   with nine heads. When a head was cut off, two others grew in its   place. Hercules killed the Hydra by burning each neck after its head   was cut off.  

Hydrogen………………………………….υδρογονο  Hydrophobia…………………………….υδροφοβια  Hydrotherapy……………………………υδροθεραπεια  Hyena……………………………………….υαινα  Hygiene/hygienic……………………………υγιεινη  Hymn…………………………………………υ∝νος  Hyperbole=exaggeration……υπερβολη=throwing over, or   beyond  Hypnosis…………………………………….υπνωσις   υπο...  Hypochondria………………………………υποχονδρια  worry or anxiety about one’s health  

Hypocrite…………………………………..υποκριτης  Hypotenuse…………………………………υποτεινουσα  Hypothesis/hypothetical……………………..υποθεσις  Hysteria/hysterical…………………υστερια/υστερικος 

“Many the languages of the mortals, however, only one of those  languages is immortal.”  


Icon……………………………………………..εικονα  Iconography……………………………….εικονογραφια  Idea………………………….…………………ιδεα  Ideal/idealize/idealism/ideology/ideography  

Idiom…………………………………………ιδιω∝α  Idiot/idiocy…ιδιωτης=one who no longer is involved with politics…  with underrated meaning= foolish or stupid person  Idol/idolatry/doll……………………….………..ειδωλον  Igneous/ignition/ignite…………………….ικνυς=ash, dust  Impetuous/impetus……………………….πετω, πιπτω  Impulse/impulsive………………………..παλσις=pulse  Incline/inclination…………………….εν+κλινω=γερνω  Indigenous…………………………….ενδογενης=native  Indication/indicative/indicate….…………ενδεικτης Industry………….…εντος+στορνυ∝ι=απλωνω, στρωνω  Inflation……………………………φλεω=ει∝αι γε∝ατος  Install……………εν+στελλω=στηνω=βαζω κατι ορθιο  Installation/stable  

Instinct/instinctive…………………………….ενστικτον  Iodine………………………………………….ιωδιον  Iota…………………………………………..ιωτα (ι)  Iris………………………………………..ιρις=rainbow  Irony/ironic…… …………………………..ειρωνεια  Ethos/ethics…………………………………..ηθος  Juice/juicy………………………………..ζω∝ος, ζου∝ι 


Kaleidoscope…καλειδοσκοπιον= καλον ειδος σκοπω  Kerosene………Κηροζινη (κηρος= κερι)  

Kilogram………… χιλιογρα∝∝ον 


Cinema Κινησις  


Klaxon………………..κλαγη (sharp sound)  

Kleptomania(c)……………….κλεπτο∝ανης, κλεπτο∝ανια  Cyst……………………………κυστις  



Lake………………………..λακκος=pool-lake  Lagoon…….Latin=lacuna….λακκος  

Laconic=using few words……..λακωνικος  


Lay, layman, laity  

Language λαυχανη=tongue  Linguist (ics)  

Lard…………………………λαρδος=the fat of pigs  Large………………………..λαρινος= well fed fat cow  Largeness  






Lavatory………….Latin=lavo and luo…..λουω  Lick (I)………………………………λειχω  Lunch  










Lexicography……………… -γραφια  


Liberal………………Latin=liber….ελευθερος  Liberty  


Locality…………………………λοχος=place of ambush  Location  



Line……λινεος, λινον=a string made from the flax plant  Lineage  


Lion (ness)……………………………λεων  Lipoma…………………………………λιπος=fat  Lipograph 





Lithograph (y)  

Liturgy…………………….λειτουργια(λαος=εργον)  Logarithm (ic)……………λογαριθ∝ος(λογος=αριθ∝ος)  Logic (al)………………..λογικη  

Look………………….λυκη(φως, λευκος)  Lucid (ity)  


Light (ing)  

Lyre……… …λυρα=instrument similar to guitar,   founded by Hermes)  Lyric (al)  



Masticate (I) ……………….∝αστιχαω (∝ασω=Ι chew)  Machine…………………….∝ηχανη  





Master……Latin= magister….∝εγιστος−∝εγας 

Mastery majestic  

Mister major  



Magic, magical, magician  


Magnet magnetic………………∝αγνητης  



May From the mother of Hermes, Μαια  Mal, malady…….Latin malus......∝ελεος=αθλιος, κακος   Μα∝∝αω=ζητω τον ∝αστον  Mamma, mammy……………….∝α∝∝α, ∝α∝∝η  Mania, maniac…………………….∝ανια  

March…………….Latin- Ars, Mars………..Αρης  Marsupial………………………∝ασιπος=σακκος  Mass…………………………..Μαζα  



Mathematics………………….Μαθη∝ατικα  Mausoleum……………………∝αυσωλειον  Meander………………………..∝αιανδρος  Megaphone……………………∝εγα+φωνη  Melancholy……………………∝ελαγχολια  Melancholic  




Mother……………Latin=mater……….∝ατηρ−∝ητηρ  Maternal  



Metal………………………………..∝εταλλον  Metallic  

Metaphor…………………………..∝εταφορα  Meteor……………………………..∝ετεωρος  Meteoric  

Meteorite .....................................∝ετεωριτης Meteorology…………………∝ετεωρολογια  Meter………………………….∝ετρον  


Metropolis…………………∝ητροπολις=∝ητηρ πολις  Metropolitan  


Microcosm………………………….κοσ∝ος  Micrograph………………………...γραφια  Microorganism……………………..οργανισ∝ος  Microphone…………………………φωνο  

Microscope…………………………..σκοπικος  Microbe…………………………∝ικροβιον  Misery……………………………∝ισος  

Miserable…………Lat. Miser  

Mnemonic………………………..∝νη∝η=memory  Monarch…………………….∝οναρχης (∝ονος αρχων)  Monarchy……………………∝οναρχια  

Monitor…Lat. Monitor ............∝ηνυτω  

 one who gives information 

Monochrome………………..∝ονοχρω∝ος  Monogram…………………...∝ονογρα∝∝α  Monologue……………………∝ονολογος  Monopoly……………………..∝ονοπωλιον  Monotheism……………………∝ονοθεισ∝ος  Monotone………………………∝ονοτονος  Myopia……………….∝υωπια (∝υω=κλειω+ωψ=∝ατι)  Myopic  

Mystery………………………..∝υστηριον  Mystic…………………………..∝υστικον  Myth……………………..∝υθος  




Nebulous, nebula, nimbus…………..νεφελη−νεφος   νεος  

Neolithic………………………………λιθικη  Nerve………………………………νευρον  Nervous  



Oasis………………………………..οασις  Obelisk………………………………οβελισκος  Orchestra…………………………….ορχηστρα  Organ…………………………………οργανον  Organize 



Orphan…………………………………ορφανος  Oxygen…………………………………οξυγονον    

Paleolithic…………………………….παλαιολιθικος  Paleontology………………………….Παλαιοντολογια  Palm…………………………………..παλα∝η  Panacea…………………………………πανακεια  Panic…………………………………….πανικος  Paradise…………………………………παραδεισος  Paradox………………………………….παραδοξο  Paragraph……………………………….παραγραφος  Parallel…………………………………παραλληλος  Parallelogram…………………….παραλληλογρα∝∝ον  Paralysis…………………………………….παραλυσις  Parenthesis………………………………….παρενθεσις  Pause………………………………………….παυσις  Pharmacy……………………………………φαρ∝ακειο  Phenomenon…………………………………φαινο∝ενον  Philosophy……………………………………..φιλοσοφια  Phonograph………………………………….φωνη+γραφω  Photo…………………………………………….φως  Phrase……………………………………………..φρασις  Pistachio……………………………………….πιστακιον  Planet, planetarium……………………………..πλανητης 

Plastic…………………………………………πλαστικος  Poetry, poem………….………………….ποιηση, ποιη∝α  Pole………………………………………………….πολος  Polar, polarity, polarize, polarization  

Pepper ……………………………………..………πιπερι  Police ……………………………………………..πολις  Politics…………………………………………..πολιτικη  Pork………………….………………………πορκος(pig)  Prism………………………………………….πρισ∝α  Problem……………………………………….προβλη∝α  Prophet…………………………………………προφητης   Prophecy, prophetic  

Psyche…………………………..………………….ψυχη   Psychic, psychology  

Psychotherapy…………………………….ψυχοθεραπεια  Pyramid………………………………………….πυρα∝ιδα  

(Αναρτήθηκε στην Efenpress, από το Στρατηγό κ. Αθαν.Καραντζίκο)